Melbourne cbd left without ladder platform!

Residents and workers located in High Rise premises within Melbourne CBD are urged to develop a fire safety plan that involves vacating quickly in case of an emergency.

Following a downgrade of the CBD’s only Ladder Platform Truck on Saturday night, it has officially been placed out of Commission on Monday morning.

This means if you are trapped in a multi storey building, there is no guarantee that a Ladder Platform Truck will be able to arrive in time.

Currently there is no spare Ladder Platform available to replace this truck relying on ladder platforms being responded from other areas putting people at risk in time critical situations.

On 1st of December 2023 appliance shut down and froze with an operator stuck up in the cage and was unable to bring the boom/cage back to the ground. The ladder reset after a period of time.

This appliance has had ongoing issues for months, including a blown head gasket, the cage being out of full alignment and not being able to engage in reverse or drive.

On behalf of Firefighters located in and around the CBD, residents and workers, the UFU expresses its significant concern as yet another vital appliance is off the road.