No Spare Pumpers across Victoria!

FRV hasn’t a single spare Pumper in the fleet, with crews from multiple stations today putting out statewide emails in search of one.

On a shambolic day (even by FRV standards) Fire Trucks were taken offline only to have their replacements taken offline as well.

Caroline Springs Pumper broke down today only to have its replacement (coming from 3hrs away in Warrnambool) break down shortly after arrival.

Caroline Springs now have two broken down trucks sitting in their yard, all the while Frankston Fire Station is sending out state wide emails looking for a spare Pumper.

According to FRV media spokes people there’s more than adequate capacity in the fleet to meet community requirements.

FRV has a fleet that wouldn’t be fit for a 3 ring circus, our community is rightly asking – where is our Fire Service Levy going!?!
