Rowville is currently being a serviced by an appliance that is simply falling apart. Some of the faults associated with the appliance include:
• Burnover Protection Sprays dribbling water, not spraying –
Cab O/S & N/S rear window protection sprays.
• Driver Seatbelt fraying.
• Airbag suspension dash warning light is active, truck is not
squatting or adjusting to ride height.
• Rear numberplate illumination lights broken.
• N/S bodywork above locker #2 ‘FIRE RESCUE VICTORIA’
sign bodywork is cracked and flapping loose, compartment
not sealed at all and houses electrical kit and Milwaukee
batteries etc.
• O/S High pressure hose-reel leaking at second coupling.
• N/S Locker 1 heavy-duty drawer-slide is faulty, therefore
cannot access PFD for water safety and asbestos bags etc
which are stored in that compartment.
• N/S Pump panel clip broken.
• O/S Pump panel clip broken.
• N/S 38mm hose door latch faulty.
• O/S 50mm hose door latch faulty.
• Delivery #2,3 & 4 are all missing their ‘Pull to Drain’ grips.
• Rear 65mm hose tray does not lockout.
• Cabin air filter needs cleaning/replacement.
Victorians deserve a world class fleet; they pay for it via their Fire Service Levy.
Instead, we have a fleet that is falling apart and is need of urgent investment. If the Minister for Emergency Services refuses to acknowledge the problem, Premier Jacinta Allan must intervene.